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Playgymmers of 2018

Dear Playgymmers, Thank you for the wonderful years we had spent together, Thank you for being part in making our school brighter, Thank you for giving us this priceless opportunity being as your teacher. Our time had come to the end, But never stop learning, Continue spread your wings, Be the shiniest star you want to be, Soar to the new heights, Have fun, be kind, be yourself. Remember that.. Wherever you are, We are always proud of you, Because.. We are forever your teacher. We love you to the moon and back. Hugs and kisses, Teachers of Zaza Cerdik Playgym 2018. 
Recent posts

Real Friends

Part 1 As a someone who had trust issues, you'll be firm with quality of friends instead of quantity.  So, i didn't dare to make a new relationship as a lover or friends either.  I'm afraid to.  I got countless insecurities in mind, that being wall every time i tried to do so.  But then, at the age of 22 years old, i met them.  Their naughtiness, genius ideas, noisiness caught me off guard.  I even ask myself for once,  'Am i able to continue this friendship with them?' 'Am i, the most secretive person, able to open up about myself, my life or even my family with them?' 'Are they going to leave me alone after this? Are they going to stab me at the back?' And so on.. We being friend.  1 month.  3 months.  6 months.  9 months.  We did a lot of activities together.  We went to trip.  We have fun.  We share laughs, love and problems.  And..  We also argued on a certain times when we felt it goes wrong.  Then, i started to

Am i way too silence? 😣

I was one of kind yang kalau dengar cerita orang pasal something yang kurang baik, i didn't react berlebih2. sebab i know that i have to investigate and verified the story first. it is unfair to judge the book by its cover, isn't it? I am way more to observe what's happening around me. sometimes I've and I'd tried to talk a lot with people around me; family, friends, colleagues and so on. but i failed to do so. sometimes i succeed but then I thought, it is not me if I'm trying to make something different from what I used to be. It is fake! 😌 **** To be continued~~

Old note..

B ismillahirahmanirrahiim. 23/06/15 Ummi Playhouse  Alone Ramadhan Hati semakin keras Sekeras batu barangkali Atau Cuma umpama ais, Terdedah haba mencairlah ia. Manis kata tidak dipinta Andai hanya membawa luka dihadapan jalan Walau terkadang rasa sudah terlali akan kepalsuan Tetap jua menuntun airmata menderas menenangkan jiwa Kemana terbangnya semangat sang pemudi Impian sang ibu tua menjadi inspirasi Untuk tetap gah berdiri Walau kaki sudah penuh duri Dirimu jua menjadi inspirasi sang hati Jiwamu yang kental Keanakanmu yang matang Kekuatanmu yang luar biasa Senyummu yang riang Aduhai Dimana tercicirnya sifat diri Mengapa yang dirasa lelah melebihi sepi Letih melebihi gigih Penat melebihi langkah kaki Dan Putus asa melebihi mimpi2 Moga terus kuat.